Leading up to Settlement

Congrats! It’s time to close on your home and hand over the keys.

An SLG Team member will be in contact you in the days leading up to settlement as there a few things to do:

Final Inspection

Buyer has the right to two final walkthroughs prior to settlement and are usually a formality. If possible, we suggest the property is fully prepared for these walkthroughs although we know sometimes that isn’t possible.

Utilities and Services:

Our team will remind you to call your utility providers to transfer service to the new buyer. Additionally, we will remind the buyers to call as well to be sure there is no interruption of service.

Hitches and Glitches

On the day of settlement (or leading up to it), every so often there are minor hiccups such as financing delays or confusion on timelines and settlement location. Our system minimizes this possibility as much as possible since we are so hands on from beginning to end. If they do occur, they are almost always solvable as long as all parties are acting in good faith.


Congrats! You’ve reached the finish line! The buyer is clear to close and now we just review the numbers and get you your money. The title officer will hold settlement and process all paperwork and finalize the sale. Can’t make settlement? No issue with that as one of our SLG Team agents ca sign on your behalf at settlement.

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